02 March 2007

In The Works

It's been quiet here at LTR, but that doesn't mean there aren't things going on behind the scenes. Part of being a book reviewer is actually reading the books that come across my desk. But even with my high average words per minute reading speed, I can't help but wish I had a photographic memory. So while I engulf myself in the various worlds that these authors have welcomed me into, I'll be working on more interludes and news from the book world to post between the Reviews and Interviews that will aim to inform and to generate an open forum for commentary an conversation about various topics, the books to be reviewed, and commonly faced issues for aspiring writers.

So what's in the works currently?

  • Interview with author Bridie Clark! Following the successful release of her first book, Because She Can, I'll be posting an interview with Ms. Clark soon.

  • The Rose of York: Fall from Grace by Sandra Worth is proving to be an enticing read. I love works that challenge commonly accepted (however right or wrong they might prove to be) notions of history!

  • The Siege of Zoldex and Quest for the Shard by Clifford B. Bowyer are busy pulling me into the wonderful world of the Seven Kingdoms, and I look forward to adding the reviews soon!

  • Unscarred by R.M. Hamilton will be the first self published, but widely available, book that I review on LTR, and it will be followed by an interview with the author that will cover everything from the creation of Eir, to his experience with self publishing.

And in some pleasant news, my reviews have been picked up by the MidWest Book Review, so the readership is growing yet again. There are fantastic reviews and reviewers there, so please do check them out!

That's all for now! Write well...

~D.M. Papuga