16 February 2007

What's Next?

Wonderful news! More reviews and author interviews have been added to the list! In the coming weeks there should be a steady flow of reviews and interviews posted here, on the sister site, and at BookPleasures.com. Some of the great new additions coming next:

  • The review of Bridie Clark’s first novel, Because She Can, will be posted today or tomorrow and the review will be followed by an interview with the author, as well!
  • Award winning novelist Sandra Worth’s next novel, The Rose of York: Fall from Grace, will be hitting the shelves in May of 2007. The Rose of York: Fall from Grace has already won the Francis Ford Coppola New Century Writers Award, and concludes her The Rose of York series which has been the recipient of ten different awards. A review will be posted sometime in the coming weeks prior to its release. For more info on the book and the Rose of York series, see the Sandra Worth website.

Stay warm and keep reading!

~D.M. Papuga